
Brutal winter increases risks of Boston car accidents

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has released comprehensive information on safe winter driving amid what is becoming one of the toughest winters in recent memory.

Our Boston personal injury lawyers continue to urge you to stay off the roads whenever possible in bad weather. In cases where going out is unavoidable, please allow plenty of extra time to reach your destination. Telling someone where you are going and when you plan to arrive is also a good idea, as is traveling with a full tank of gas.

The government offers the following advice for safe winter driving in Massachusetts:

Car Maintenance

-Get a tuneup.

-Have vehicle hoses, belts and fluids checked.

-Have battery checked and/or replaced.

-Have cooling system checked.

-Fill windshield-wiper fluid with proper mixture and keep an extra bottle in trunk.

-Check wipers and defrosters.

-Inspect and replace worn tires.


-Practice winter driving during the day in an empty parking lot.

-Drive slowly.

-Brake carefully and steer into skids.

Winter Travel

-Check weather and road conditions.

-Give yourself plenty of time.

-Tell others of your planned route and intended arrival time.

-Travel with plenty of gas in the tank.

-Avoid hazardous travel conditions whenever possible.

Emergency Kit

-Broom, shovel and ice scraper
-Sand, kitty litter or other abrasive material for traction.

-Jumper cable, flashlight, warning devices tools.


-Cell phone.

-Food water and necessary medications.

If Stranded

-Remain calm.

-Don’t overexert.

-Stay with your vehicle.

-Tie bright cloth to antenna or window.

-Run vehicle sparingly. Keep tailpipe clear. Beware carbon monoxide.

Protect your Family

-Wear your seat belt.

-Avoid distracted driving.

-Understand bulky winter clothing can impact fit of car seats and seat belts.

If you have been injured in a Massachusetts car accident, contact Boston Injury Attorney Jeffrey S. Glassman for a free and confidential appointment to discuss your rights. Call 877-617-5333.

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