
Car Accidents on Routes 24 and 195 Likely, Drivers Blame Road Condition

Police officers are beefing up their patrols and they’re focusing on bringing down the accident numbers on both Route 195 and Route 24. According NECN, officers’ new initiative will add more than 10 patrols on Friday and Saturday nights from 8:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m.

This initiative will last through the summer and will cost nearly $150,000.

“I think the dollars that going to expend down here are well spent and hopefully saving lives and getting out this message about operator safety,” said Colonel Timothy Alben with the Massachusetts State Police (MSP).

Our Boston car accident lawyers understand that there were nearly 20 serious accidents that happened in these areas from just the 1st of January through the 17th of July. Eleven of these accidents were fatal, five resulted in serious injury and more than 30 percent of them involved a driver who was under the influence. On the 15th of July, there was a double-fatality accident on Route 24 that was caused by a wrong-way driver. Just two days later, there were two more wrong-way drivers who caused accidents on Route 195. There have even been some truck rollovers. Officers think that many of these accidents could have been prevented, but drivers are saying that it’s not their fault and it’s the road’s fault!

Alben says that drivers aren’t taking safety seriously. He says that driver’s habits are what’s getting them into trouble on our roadways. It’s speeding, it’s distractions, it’s alcohol and it’s drugs. Drivers are saying that it’s the narrowness of the road that’s causing these accidents.

Truth is, dangerous and defective roads are often partially to blame for an accident. Transportation officials have an obligation to make sure that our roads are safe and that all hazards are eliminated. Hazards can include narrow lanes, obstructed traffic devices, missing traffic devices, defects in the pavement and more. Having a good attorney can permit a thorough review of the factors involved in your accident.

About 100,000 vehicles use the upper part of Route 24 every day. Massachusetts officials have set aside about $12 million to help improve the road through a resurfacing project.

With the new roads, drivers may be more likely to speed, says Alben. He and the MSP are asking drivers to keep an eye on their speedometer when traveling along these roadways.

Aside from speeding and driving under the influence, officers say that they’re very concerned with drivers who are using cell phones and text messaging devices behind the wheel. In the state of Massachusetts, drivers are allowed to talk on their cell phone while driving, unless they’re under the age of 18. Drivers are prohibited however, from text messaging while driving, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). Officers are asking drivers to keep all electronic devices out of the driver’s seat.

If you have been in a car accident in Boston or in any of the surrounding areas, contact Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers to set up a free and confidential consultation to discuss your rights. Call (617) 777-7777!

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