
Celebrities join forces to reduce risk of distracted driving car accidents in Massachusetts and throughout the country

The rush is on to enlist the help of celebrities to preach the dangers of texting and driving as safety advocates seek to reduce the risk of distracted driving car accidents in Boston and across the country, the Boston Globe reported.

As our Boston injury lawyers reported earlier this summer, Massachusetts is one of several states to approve a ban of texting while driving. Of the 30 states that have such bans, 11 of them have enacted laws this year, according to the Governor’s Highway Safety Association. Now, safety advocates are increasingly enlisting the help of celebrities to keep the momentum going.

Celebrities who have taken up the cause include Oprah and her “No Phone Zone” pledge, “American Idol” winner Jordin Sparks, Incredible Hulk Lou Ferrigno, “Today” host Meredith Vieira, snowboarding champion Shaun White and 88-year-old actress Betty White.

Young celebrities in particular have taken the cause to heart as studies show that teen drivers are at the highest risk of a distracted driving accident caused by cell phone use or text messaging while behind the wheel. This week, the Jonas Brothers, a band especially popular with preteens, wore “TXTING KLLS” thumb rings.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that 6,000 people are killed each year and 500,000 are injured in car accidents caused by distracted driving.

Massachusetts’ new law takes effect on Sept. 30.

If you have been injured in a Boston car accident, contact Massachusetts Injury Attorney Jeffrey S. Glassman for a free and confidential appointment to discuss your rights. Call 877-617-5333.

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