
More Boston Car Accidents with Clock Change & Early Dark

In a recent car accident on East Hartford Avenue, a driver sustained critical injuries, including burns to nearly half of his body. According to CBS Boston, it happened around 4:00 a.m. when the vehicle slammed into a telephone pole, splitting it in half. The vehicle was engulfed in flames and the driver was trapped inside. A member of the Uxbridge police force and a Good Samaritan were able to extinguish the fire. The driver was treated on scene and transported to UMass Memorial Medical Center in Worcester.

Officers are suspecting that alcohol and speed were contributors in the accident.

Our Boston car accident lawyers understand that transitions associated with the start and end of daylight saving time disturb sleep patterns, and make people restless at night, which results in sleepiness the next day, even during a “Fall back” period, since when we Fall Back, we might have trouble adjusting to going to sleep “later” after the time change. One of the deadliest risks associated with these transitions are the rest for car accidents. On November 3, we will be pushing our clocks back an hour at 2:00 a.m. and gaining an extra hour or sleep. With more sleep comes darker nights, and with darker nights comes higher risks for accidents.

As we recently reported on our Boston Car Accident Lawyer Blog, U.S. streets do not have sufficient lighting.

Although we do a majority of our driving during the daytime, a significant percentage of car accidents nationwide occur at night. Did you know that your risks for an accident during the nighttime hours are close to five times higher than your risks of getting into an accident during the day?

An estimated 90 percent of all driver decisions are made based on what they see. When it’s dark out, drivers are not as likely to see the dangers of the road, and therefor they act like those risks are not present. But that’s not how we should handle nighttime driving. While driving during the evening hours, it’s important to remain aware of your surroundings and be ready for anything. You have to deal with limited light, driver fatigue, increased risks of driving intoxication and lighting irregularities.

There are things we have no control over like non0relective signs and under or overgrowth that partially covers signs, but there are major things like headlights that you can control and limit your risks when driving at night.

You should make sure that your windshield and your lights are clean. Stay sober behind the wheel. Avoid smoking when you drive. Smoke’s nicotine and carbon monoxide hamper night vision. Keep an eye on your speed. You should avoid driving for extended periods of time during nighttime hours. Make sure you schedule in frequent breaks to get our and wake up. Consider driving with a licensed passenger so you can share the driving responsibility. If an oncoming vehicle doesn’t lower beams from high to low, avoid glare by watching the right edge of the road and using it as a steering guide.

If you or someone you love has been injured in a car accident in the Boston area, contact Jeffrey S. Glassman for a free and confidential appointment to discuss your rights. Call (617) 777-7777.

More Blog Entries:

Early Dark Increases Risk of Nighttime Driving Accidents in Massachusetts, Boston Car Accident Lawyer Blog, October 23, 2013

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