The winter driving season as well as the holiday travel season is here and the risks for car accidents are up because of it. The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency is here to help to provide travelers with information for the New England Winter Season, according to the Massachusetts’ Executive Office of Public Safety and Security.
“Since approximately 70% of winter deaths related to snow and ice occur in automobiles, now is the proper time for individuals and families to take the necessary steps to ensure their safety on the roads during the upcoming Winter Season,” said Don Boyce, MEMA Director.
Our Boston accident lawyers understand that the winter weather can present some serious challenges. Luckily, these challenges and these dangers can be reduced with a little bit of planning.
Before heading out, we’re asking all drivers to make sure they’re vehicle is equipped with a Winter Emergency Car Kit. In this kit, you should have the following:
-A flashlight.
-Extra batteries.
-A tow rope.
-Jumper cables.
-Road flares or reflectors.
-Nonperishable food.
-Extra water.
-Basic tools, like a screwdriver, a wrench and some pliers.
-Road maps.
-A pocket knife.
-Extra medications.
-A first-aid kit.
-Cell phone charger.
The truth of the matter is that winter weather is a top contributor to car accidents across the nation, especially here in New England.
Winter Factors Leading to Car Crashes:
-Winter weather conditions: Freezing rain, snow, sleet, ice.
-Isolated ice patches. There are commonly the result of poorly maintained or designed roadways.
-Pot holes. These are commonly caused from snow plow trucks shoveling salt, ice and snow.
-People driving too fast for the current weather conditions.
-People who drive recklessly. Many drivers think that they can handle the weather conditions. Unfortunately, we’re all in the same boat here and have to take the proper safety precautions.
– Stay safe around snowplows and give them plenty of room to operate.
-Private roads. Oftentimes these roads are never plowed or cleared of snow and ice.
Each year, there are roughly 6,500,000 car accidents reported. Of these accidents, about a quarter of them (or more than 1,500,000) are the result of adverse weather conditions. This means that more than 7,000 people die each year in these types of crashes. Don’t become a statistic. Prep today for your winter travel to help ensure a safe arrival! Make sure you adjust your driving habits to accommodate the dangerous conditions. Slow it down and keep your eyes on the road. You want to leave a little extra room between you and other vehicles so you have more time to react to dangers. And remember to always wear your seat belt. That’s one of the best ways to stay safe should an incident occur. It could save your life!
If you or a loved one has been injured or killed in a car crash, contact Jeffrey S. Glassman for a free and confidential consultation to discuss your rights. Call (617) 777-7777.
More Blog Entries:
Massachusetts Traffic Watch: Safety Around Snowplows, Boston Personal Injury Attorney Blog, November 23, 2012
Boston Drowsy Driving Prevention Week — Young Motorists at High Risk, Boston Personal Injury Attorney Blog, November 16, 2012