
Articles Posted in Car Accidents


Liability for Passenger Injuries in Boston Single Car Crashes

The majority of Boston car accidents involve more than one vehicle. Many of these are fender-benders with two vehicles, though chain reaction crashes are fairly common on highways and other roads with heavy congestion.  However, getting rear-ended or t-boned may by another car or truck may not be the most…


Recovering Damages in Boston Rear-End Car Accidents

There are many different ways motor vehicle collisions can occur.  However, in the vast majority of cases, these are not truly “accidents,” but rather are due to the fault of at least one driver.  When a car accident is caused by the carelessness or recklessness of one or more individuals, it…


Multivehicle Fatal Boston Area Car Accident Insurance Issues

When an accident involves more than one vehicle, this can greatly complicate matters.  In some cases, it means there was one victim and more than one at-fault defendant.  While this may mean there is more insurance coverage, and the victim can therefore receive a full and appropriate financial recovery, it…


Car Accidents Caused by Driver Fleeing Police

Many jurisdictions have what are known as no-chase policies for police.  As the name implies, this means that police are not allowed to pursue a suspect via the high-speed car chase. The reason for this is because high-speed chases can result in serious personal injury and property damage to any…


100 Deadliest Days for Teen Drivers in Boston 2017 and the Standard of Care

Each year, as millions of Americans celebrate Memorial Day with backyard cookouts and family get-togethers to mark the unofficial start to summer, there is another period we enter known as the “100 Deadliest Days for Teen Driving.” As discussed in a recent news article from CBS Baltimore, during the roughly 100…

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