Articles Posted in Motorcycle Accident

According to a recent news report from the Peabody Patch, Massachusetts State Police and its accident reconstruction unit continue to investigate a serious traffic accident involving a moped and a truck. Authorities say the 41-year-old moped driver was riding in the breakdown lane of Route 1 North in Peabody. A Volvo truck driving in the right lane went to turn into a parking lot, when it crossed into the breakdown lane and hit the moped.

1253140_bicycleFirst responders were called to the scene, provided immediate medical attention to victim, and transported him to Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in downtown Boston. The 48-year-old operator of the truck was not hurt in the crash, but the moped driver is listed in serious condition at MGH. Volvo trucks are typically larger commercial trucks, ranging from box trucks to semi-tractor trailers. Authorities did not describe the size of truck involved in this accident, but it is likely far bigger than a pickup truck. State police will continue to investigate the cause of the accident. They have not filed any charges or issued any citations in connection with this serious traffic accident. Continue reading

Riding a motorcycle can be a lot of fun. Those who ride talk about the feeling of freedom when riding. Drivers like the feeling of the sun and the wind and being exposed to the elements (assuming it’s not raining). However, that feeling of freedom also exposes riders to a risk of being seriously injured or killed in accident. Crashes that would otherwise be considered fairly minor if riders were safely inside a car, truck or SUV can be devastating to someone on a motorcycle.

This is not to say it is the motorcycle riders’ fault if they are injured in an accident, but the physics of the situation does increase the chances of injury in a crash.

54505_motorcycle_01According to recent news article from Fox, two motorcycles were involved in a serious crash in the New England area. Authorities say the accident occurred in Route 190 in Connecticut on a Saturday afternoon. Witnesses say the two motorcycles were traveling eastbound when they collided with one another.

One of the motorcycle riders was a 55-year-old man who was seriously injured in the accident. First responders were able to provide immediate medical attention before transporting him to a local level-one trauma center. The other rider was 54-years-old, and was also seriously injured in the two-motorcycle accident. First responders treated him to the best of their capabilities and transported him to a level-one trauma center in Massachusetts by medevac helicopter, as his injures are believed to be far more severe than the other rider.
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There is no question riding a motorcycle is more dangerous than riding in a car or SUV. Many car accidents result in no injuries or minor injuries in a car accident, when a motorcycle rider likely would have died in that same accident.

94871_triumph_motorcycle_4.jpgAccording to a recent news report from The Boston Globe, a motorcyclist died from his injuries after his motorcycle collided with a car in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston. Police say they responded to a crash, which occurred around 10 p.m. on a Saturday night. When first responders arrived at the scene, the motorcycle rider was already dead, and the two occupants of the car involved in the accident were seriously injured.

EMS workers assessed the condition of the two injured accident victims and transported them to Tufts Medical Center with serious, but non-life threatening, injuries. Police say they are not yet sure as to the cause of this fatal motorcycle accident and will continue to investigate. Authorities have not released the names of any of the three victims as of the time of this report.
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Attorneys who handle car accident lawsuits in Boston understand that these cases may involve a substantial amount of pretrial litigation.

1099135_motorcycle_-_blur_focus.jpgPackard v. Falls City Area Jaycees, et al., involves a deadly collision between a motorcycle and a pickup truck. This motor vehicle accident occurred at the entrance to a demolition derby and tractor pull at a public event facility in Nebraska.

According to the record, the defendants were aware that traffic would be unusually heavy on the night of the accident due to flooding, a bridge closure, and the demolition derby event.
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An motorcycle rider was wedged underneath a parked car in a recent accident. According to ABC40, the driver was traveling at a high rate of speed, and that speed contributed to the accident. The motorcyclist landed in the hospital with some serious internal injuries. He was also cited for driving with a revoked license.
“The driver of the motorcycle went under the car and the car came back down on him and he was pinned by the rear tire of the car underneath him,” said Dennis Leger with the Springfield fire department.

Our Springfield motorcycle accident lawyers understand that this is only one of many motorcycle accidents that we’ve seen in the last month in the area. Some of them involving speed, too. As a matter of fact, speed and passing on the right are two of the most common factors in these kinds of accidents. And it’s these two factors that can be easily managed with safe and responsible driving habits.

When you’re riding in a high traffic area, like the city, you’ve got to be more careful. Where there are more vehicles and more irresponsible drivers, your risks for an accident skyrocket.

If you didn’t know, bikers refer to trucks and cars as “cages” when they’re out riding. Why? It’s because these bigger vehicles serve as a protecting cage for the drivers, whereas motorcyclists have no cage of protection. One of the best form of a “cage” that a biker can have is a helmet. Make sure you’re always wearing one.

According to American Motorcycle Association (AMA), motorcyclists in the state of Massachusetts are required by law to wear a helmet at all times.

Did you know that motorcyclists are 35 times more likely to experience a deadly accident on the road than those in passenger cars?

As a matter of fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that there were close to 50 motorcyclists killed in the state of Massachusetts in 2011. Of these fatalities, 88 percent were helmeted. Our mandatory helmet law helps riders who may one day find themselves in an accident. Your skills and safety measures behind those handlebars determine the rest.

When you’re out there on the open road, the Massachusetts Highway Department recommends that you always wear protective gear, in addition to always using your turn signals and hand signs, always practice your best defensive driving habits, avoid sharing lanes with other vehicles and make sure you’re properly trained and up to date with your riding skills. Motorcycle safety is all in how you ride. Many accidents can be prevented with responsible riding.
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A motorcyclist from Quincy was recently injured when an SUV slammed into him. According to the Herald-Whig, the accident happened just before 9:00 p.m. on Locust and 24th. It happened as the SUV was heading north, when it attempted to make a left turn and slammed into the motorcyclist. The SUV driver was ticketed for failure to yield-left turn.
The motorcyclist was transported to Blessing Hospital and treated for “serious” injuries, according to accident reports. The other driver was not injured in the collision.

Our Quincy motorcycle accident lawyers understand that there were close to 50 motorcyclists killed in the state of Massachusetts in 2011. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), these types of accidents are actually on the rise. From 2010 to 2011, we saw a 2 percent increase in the number of motorcyclist fatalities nationwide.

It’s important that you know what you’re doing and you know what dangers to look for when you’re out there riding on two wheels. According to the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles, a junior operator under the age of 18 must complete the Massachusetts Rider Education Program (MREP) to get a Class M (motorcycle) license or endorsement.

The truth of the matter is that passenger-car drivers, not motorcyclists, are responsible for close to 70 percent of car-motorcycle crashes. Oftentimes, drivers don’t see the motorcyclist until it’s too late to avoid an accident.

When motorcycle accidents are likely to happen:

-When drivers make left-hand turns in front of motorcyclists.

-When motorcyclists ride in the blind spots of a vehicle.

-When there are dangerous road conditions, including railroad tracks, wet pavement and even potholes.

-When there is an obstructed line of sight.

As you can see, passenger car drivers are largely responsible for these accidents. If you’re the driver of a passenger vehicle, it’s important that you keep an eye out for these vulnerable travelers. Remember: Check twice, save a life. It’s a good idea to anticipate a rider’s maneuvers out there. Never drive too close to them as sometimes they are forced maneuver within their lane to avoid road debris. Never share lanes!

With your safe driving habits, we can all do our part in working to make the roads safer for everyone — especially the more vulnerable motorcyclists.

While we continue to remind all motorists are reminded to safely “share the road” with motorcycles and to be extra alert to help keep motorcyclists safe. Motorcyclists are reminded to make themselves visible to other motorists.

As a motorcyclist, there are a few key messages that you should live by:

-Make sure you’re properly trained and licensed.

-Always wear your protective gear.

-Never ride under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

-Never exceed your riding skills.

-Be a lifelong learner by taking refresher rider courses.

-Make sure other drivers can see you. Don’t ride in blind spots and always use your headlights.

-Brake smart. Use both brakes at the same time, slow and steady.
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Motorcycle riders are some of the most vulnerable motorists on our roads. We’ve seen far too many motorcycle accidents, injuries and fatalities in recent weeks in the state of Massachusetts.
According to the Boston Globe, a 23-year-old rider died in a recent Merrimac accident. He was riding near the New Hampshire line when it happened. He was pronounced dead from injuries sustained in the accident.

Wicked Local
reports that another motorcyclist was injured while riding along Route 3A in another recent accident. This motorcyclist dies as they attempted to enter the Driftway roundabout. Accident reports indicate that the driver was passing cars and speeding when the incident happened.

Our Boston motorcycle accident lawyers understand that motorcyclists have much less bodily protection that we do in passenger vehicles. Their risks for injuries and death in the event of an accident is thus much higher. Just look at the accident that happened in Ware. This is another in which we lost the life of a motorcyclist. According to ABC40, this one happened along Route 9.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were close to 50 motorcyclists killed in traffic accidents in the state of Massachusetts in 2011. And many of these accidents could have been prevented.

There’s nothing like the freedom and exhilaration of riding a motorcycle, but if you are not prepared it can be dangerous. Awareness of your limitations and your surroundings will help ensure a safe, enjoyable experience. Before you hit the open road, consider these motorcycle safety tips:

-Before you hop on and ride out, give your bike an inspection. Make sure the fluids are okay, the lights work properly and the tread on your tires is adequate.

-Make sure you’ve always got a helmet on. This is your number one defense against injury and death in the event of an accident. Your best bet is to use a U. S. Department of Transportation approved helmet. Remember that, in the state of Massachusetts, helmets are required by law.

-Always obey traffic laws.

-Stay out of the blind spots of other drivers. Rule of thumb: if you cannot see the driver, then the driver cannot see you.

-Make your riding maneuvers as predictable as possible. Always use a blinker and signal your maneuvers.

-Of all vehicles, motorcycles accelerate the fastest, while trucks and buses are the slowest. Please watch your speed around trucks, especially in bad weather or at night.

-Do not ride between the lanes, it is not safe nor is it legal to pass a vehicle within the same lane.

-Never ride under the influence. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that more than 40 percent of motorcyclists who die in single-vehicle crashes were drunk at the time of the accident.
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Officials with the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) are pushing to get antilock braking systems (ABS) on all motorcycles. According to the latest research, these kinds of brakes are more effective in preventing motorcycle accidents — more than 30 percent more effective to be exact.
But the IIHS isn’t the only one to get in on the safety conversation. Officials with the Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) have also calculated that motorcyclists with ABS are about 20 percent less likely to die in an accident than motorcyclists without the technology. Their data has also concluded that ABS had an even bigger effect in conjunction with combined braking systems, which integrate a motorcycle’s front and rear brake controls. Both of these technologies, when used together, can reduce your risks for an accident by about a third.

Our Quincy motorcycle accident lawyers understand that there was a significant decrease in the number of fatalities among motorcyclists with ABS in 2008, and then again in 2010. With these findings, officials with the IIHS and with the HLDI urged the government to make these kinds of brakes mandatory on all bikes. Officials are once again at it — officially petitioning the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

“We hope NHTSA will agree that it’s time to take action to ensure all riders get the benefit of this lifesaving technology,” says Adrian Lund, president of both HLDI and IIHS.

We understand that there were more than 4,600 motorcyclists killed in traffic accidents in 2011. Unfortunately, that’s about a 2 percent increase from the previous year. But we can’t necessarily blame the brakes for this increase. With the downturn of the economy, more rider switched over to these two-wheeled vehicles for a more cost-effective way to get around. With busy travel season, more motorists equated to more accidents. And that’s where we stand now.

In the state of Massachusetts, there were close to 40 motorcyclists killed in traffic accidents in 2011. That’s a number that could have been greatly reduced if more motorcyclists had ABS and if more wore helmets. About 12 percent of them were not helmeted at the time of impact.

In addition to the safety gear, you’ve got to have the knowledge and the skill to stay safe out there. You should know the techniques to drive safely and you should know the risks and the hazards that you need to be on the lookout for out there while riding on two wheels. We’re asking all motorcyclists to enroll in a biking safety course — not because you don’t know what you’re doing, but because it’s always a good idea to brush up on your motorcycling skills. Find a location near you here.
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Hard as it is to believe as we peer through frosty windows on our daily commute, motorcycles will be hitting the roads in just a few short weeks. And a new report contends older riders may be at greater risk.

Motorcycles are ridden by people of all ages and enjoyed by many throughout the greater Boston area. Unfortunately, while motorcycles can be a fun and effective method of transportation, riding a motorcycle can also be dangerous.

According to one recent study, the risks of a motorcycle accident aren’t equal-opportunity risks. In fact, the study indicates that older motorcycle riders are much more likely to be hospitalized or to suffer serious injury in a motorcycle accident than younger drivers. Our Boston accident lawyers urge all motorcycle riders (and those considering riding) to take a look at the study data and to do everything they can to keep themselves safe and avoid becoming a statistic. 1213648_motorbike.jpg

Why Older Riders May be in Greater Danger
The new information on older motorcycle riders was identified in a report published in Injury Prevention, a journal on risk and accidents/injuries. BBC News reported on the Injury Prevention Report, indicating that similar data from the UK also exists to back up the claims made.

According to the report:

  • Older motorcycle riders may be more likely to become involved in motorcycle accidents than younger drivers. Older drivers tend to have health issues caused by age, such as reduced vision capacity; slower reflexes that delay reaction times; and difficulties balancing. These and other health concerns can up the chances of becoming involved in a crash.
  • When a crash does happen, it is more likely to be a serious one. This may be because older motorcycle riders tend to have faster motorcycles that can result in worse collisions. Older riders, unlike many younger riders, often have more financial resources they can devote to the purchase of a better, faster motorcycle.
  • When older motorcycle riders are injured in a crash, they are more likely than younger drivers to suffer major complications or devastating injuries. This is because of the condition of their bodies, which are affected by age. For example, older adults may have less elasticity in the chest wall; a different fat distribution than younger riders; reduced bone strength; diabetes; cardiac issues and hypertension. When someone with these or other medical problems is involved in a motorcycle crash, there is a greater chance of something going very wrong as compared with a young healthy person in a collision.

The study also provided some specific statistics that illustrate the effect of these and other factors. The information from the study was compiled using data on motorcycle crashes from 2001 to 2008. The data came from the U.S. National Electronic Injury Surveillance System- All Injury Program, which obtains information from 100 hospitals on people ages 20 and older admitted to their facilities as a result of motorcycle crashes. In total, more than 1.5 million hospitalizations occurred after motorcycle accidents during this time. From this data, the researchers determined that:

  • Motorcycle riders ages 60 and up are three times more likely to need to be hospitalized due to their injuries after a crash than a driver who is in his 20s or 30s.
  • Motorcycle riders ages 60 and up are two and a half more likely to get seriously injured in a motorcycle crash than those who are in their 20s and 30s.

Clearly, as these statistics show, there is a big difference when it comes to older drivers vs. younger drivers involved in motorcycle crashes. Older drivers should take note of the special risks that they face and should do everything possible to avoid accidents and serious injuries, including wearing appropriate safety gear and driving in a safe and cautious manner.
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A motorcyclist from Connecticut was killed in a recent car accident with a Massachusetts teen driver in Charlemont. According to the Boston Globe, the accident happened as the teen driver crossed over the center line on a city highway and ran right into the motorcyclist.

The two were heading down Route 2 at roughly 4:00 p.m. when it happened. The Northwestern District Attorney’s office says that the motorcyclist died later that night in Springfield at the Baystate Medical Center.
The young driver was given a criminal citation for negligent operation and failure to stay in marked lanes. Massachusetts State Police are investigating the accident. Additional charges are pending the outcome of that investigation.

Our Quincy motorcycle accident lawyers understand that there are about 6 weeks left in the summer season. This is the time when motorcyclists are out in force. It’s also a time when these motorcyclists face some of the highest risks for accidents. Unfortunately, many of these accidents produce fatal results as these vulnerable motorists aren’t provided with the same protection as passenger vehicle occupants. All they have is the clothing on their back and hopefully the helmet on their head.

In the state of Massachusetts, there were nearly 100 motorcyclists killed in auto accidents in 2007. Nearly 100 percent of these motorcyclists were wearing a helmet at the time of the accident. More than a third of the motorcyclists who were killed returned a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 or higher, meaning they were riding while drink. Younger motorcyclists are at greater risks too, as more than half of the motorcyclists who were killed in 2007 were between the ages of 20- and 39-years-old.

To help to keep motorcyclists safe, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is here to offer riders with some live-saving tips.

Motorcycle Safety Tips:

-Always assume a driver doesn’t see you. Practice defensive driving habits.

-Make sure you wear a DOT-approved motorcycle helmet.

-Wear bright clothing so that motorists are more likely to see you.

-Always drive with your headlights on. Use your high beams over your low beams.

-Stay out of driver’s blind spots.

-Check out weather and traffic conditions before heading out to help to ensure smooth travel.

-Never share a lane with another vehicle. Drivers may not expect you alongside their cars and may not be aware of your presence.

-Always use your turn signal before making a maneuver in traffic.

-Never weave between lanes.

-Consider enrolling in a motorcycle safety course to help to brush up on your skills.

-Adjust your speed to compensate for the current traffic and weather conditions.

-Never tailgate other vehicles.

-Do not cut off other drivers.

Safe and defensive driving habits may be your best bet against a potentially fatal accident. You can’t rely on the safe driving habits of other drivers. You need to take responsibility of your own safety!
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